How hot is hot?

As the temperature climbs from comfortable to wow to OMG, I have noticed some things:

The workers cover themselves from head to toe and the water trucks stick around the work-sites longer.

People are using umbrellas to shield their heads from the sun.

The malls are much more crowded with families….at all times of the days.

I turn our A/C down and Mark and Tara sneak it back up.

So, how hot is hot? It was 43oC yesterday…at 1pm and today will be similar. Summer is coming… I’ll finally experience what everyone talks about: the Hot is really Hot!





Current Time Tuesday, 21 May 2013 at 5:38:36 AM GST
Current conditions
Clear. Mild. 23 °C
Clear. Mild.

Clear. Mild.

Location: Abu Dhabi International Airport
Distance: 26 km from Abu Dhabi
Temperature: 23 °C
Comfort Level: 22 °C
Dew point: 21 °C
Pressure: 1005 millibars
Humidity: 89%
Visibility: 8 km
Wind: 9 km/h from 120° East-southeastDirection West-northwest
Last update: Tue 5:00 AM GST