Emily gave directions!

One of the beautiful gifts in Abu Dhabi are the mangroves. These are trees that grow in this climate and out of sand and water. They are beautiful trees that are homes for egret and heron birds, foxes, crabs and other critters. Emily and I met our new friend Beth at a sandy, rocky plot of land off to the side of the highway. We signed our waivers, zipped up our life jackets and chose our paddles for a 4.5 km kayak tour of the mangroves.

It was a lovely, windy kayak journey; and Emily and I laughed and sang loudly the whole way! Beth and our guide paddled ahead of us and enjoyed the scenery too, I’m sure!

Beth treated us to a home-made lunch in her home! What a pleasure! We had dessert at a nearby gourmet market, at the cafe upstairs.

The day was wonderful! We laughed, ate and exercised. The most hilarious part happened as we got into the cab to come “home.” We told the driver where we wanted to go and he asked us for directions! He’s only been in A.D. for four days! He’s a taxi driver and he’s newer here than us!!! Emily and I guided him to our hotel and we just guffawed as we entered the hotel! Imagine, the new residents guiding the new residents!






