I made lemonade again!

The saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is one of my mantras. Well, I’ve made lemonade again!

I went to the bank to retrieve and cash a USD check and found out it would cost $200. So, after I got the check, I ended up chatting over coffee with the two fabulous ladies who helped me.

What would have been tedious chores, I turned into fun. I had to go to the phone company to rearrange our mobile phone bills and in the two hours I was there I encountered two (of the 5) extremely wonderful, friendly and interesting people! We ended up chatting after the transaction was completed.

After exploring yet another grocery store, I found caffeine-free, diet Dr. Pepper, among the other international groceries. As it was cooling in the fridge for Mark and Tara, I smiled inside because I knew they would share my excitement. When Tara set up for homework, I offered her a CFDDP. As I reached for it, the can split open and shot out soda with such force that the ceiling, cabinets, interior of fridge, floor and me were soaked in 12 oz of soda! Tara busted out laughing!

Life lesson: have fun everyday…no matter what!

