Another daughter, a great weekend, almost summer and saying “good-bye”

My eldest daughter is here! Yay! She completed her second year of college and is lovelier than ever!

My youngest daughter and I had a fun time in London over the weekend: we toured, ate, and saw the One Direction concert.

There are only eight more days of school left for this year….yay! Our “summer vacation” is imminent.

Lastly, I said “good-bye” to three amazing girlfriends this month.  As an expat, you have the incredible opportunity to make friends quickly and from all over the world. That’s the great part. To me, the not-so-great part is when they leave to go somewhere else.

I love my friends; and live into the future that our paths will cross again one day.

Remember, it begins with “hello.” Or, in Hawai’i: “aloha!”

Aloha and a hui ho (until we meet again),

