This is a beautiful place! The streets are clean and well-maintained; the grass is bright green; the date palm trees are hearty and lush and the buildings stretch up to touch the blue sky. This is our new home!
For the first half of the morning, the Cornishe “reconnoitering.” We walked from the business side of this area down thru the ocean-themed tiled walls of the under street tunnels to the beach side of the street. There is clear blue water as far as we could see. This is the boat, jet ski and water craft area, no swimming. Farther along the walkway is the soon to open public swimming areas.
A friendly cab driver then took us to the Marina Mall, yes, it’s along the water, one of the biggest, fanciest malls in the area. This was a great life lesson event: we learned about the grocery store (Carrefour), the electronics store (Plug-Ins) and the infamous Aziz Saloon (men’s barber shop). Mark had a luxury hair cut (ask him for details).
As we headed out of the mall, we noticed a big yellow umbrella and chose to take the 2.5 hour Big Bus Tour of A.D. It was a wonderful way to see the city and note the highlights to revisit.
Here’s the funny part of the day: We bought a converter for our electronics to convert from 110V to 220V. Without naming names, one of us plugged in a device that blew a fuse in our hotel room and we were completely without power! An emergency light went on at 4am. The efficient hotel electrician fixed the problem as Mark and I had breakfast. Now we’re back in business. More life lessons.
This is a wonderful experience and truly educational.