Today I learned how to make a plumeria flower lei. It was fabulous!!!
I walked into a room and the intoxicating scent of plumeria overtook my senses. The woman showed me how to take the 8″ long, thin, hook (looks like a sewing needle and a crochet hook combined) and latch the waxed string along the hook. Then I poked the needle into the throat of the yellow plumeria flower until it was locked onto the string. I filled the needle length with flowers, then pushed them down onto the string. I continued to do that until the string was filled with flowers. Then I took off the hook and did it again.
There were about a hundred leis made for the Lei Day celebration. This precedes the May Day celebration.
Then I was invited to help cover the columns with palm fronds, braiding them along the back side so they would be attractive no matter where anyone sits; add flowers to the front gate of the school; cut more leaves to add to an enormous trough of flowers decorating the stage area and spray down all the flowers with water to they don’t get “sun burned” before the event.
I was made to feel welcome and a contribution. Happy Lei Day!