10,000 is the magic number

Two of my greatest coaches, and whom I am quite fond of, Lynne and Victor Brick used to teach us fitness instructors with stories as well as experiences. One story that I remember and think of often is the story Victor told us about Jesse Owens and how he spent 10,000 hours practicing his craft: running, sprinting and jumping. Lynne would tell us, “perfect practice makes perfect.” I learned wonderful lessons from these two coaches, both in and out of the gym.

I watched some surfers today catch and ride some huge waves today. I wanted to do that. I asked my coach, Cece, to take me out to the “bigger waves.” She did and at first I freaked out and rode the wave on my belly, absolutely frozen and unable to stand up. Then, we went out again, and I stood up! I caught and rode a huge wave (about 3-5′)  until it melted with the rest of the water. At that moment, I realized that it would most certainly take me 10,000 hours of practicing, perfect practicing, to ride the waves like I want.

Business, love, parenting, sports, hobbies all take 10,000 hours of practice to master. What are you going to perfectly practice today?

