Good morning!
Here are my thoughts today:
I am overwhelmed with blessings and feel like my heart is exploding! I’ve been invited to surf, practice yoga & scuba dive weekly. This is such a gift! I love the activity and the diversity and the water time. These are sports I’ve enjoyed for a long time and I see improvements with each session. I am grateful to Mark for these blessings and to my body for its strength and stamina.
There are so many joys in my life. In particular there are my husband of 26 years and our daughters who are delightful, beautiful and intelligent teenagers. Additionally there are new and long-time friends who I am blessed to see and spend time with. Our friend Marie moved here from LA recently and I welcome any opportunity to chat with her. Our friends from OC are vacationing here this week and included us in their plans for brunch. Our kids have known each other since kindergarten. What a joy to have solid friendships.
Then there are the colorful, happy and meaningful flowers that sit upon our table. I love fresh flowers and welcome them inside anytime! These have meaning because Mark chose them as a surprise to wish me a happy anniversary. He is so thoughtful and knows that flowers make me smile. Each petal in the bouquet represents a moment, laugh, memory and dream we have together.
What are your thoughts today?