What’s Forever?


  1. True love: I’ve loved Mark Schnitzer for almost 35 years now….we still laugh, travel, think, plan, visualize and enjoy life together.
  2. True friends: I heard from a friend (via Facebook) today who I worked with in 1988 in Baltimore, MD.  Our doorbell rang and a new friend popped in to say “hello” before going out for the evening. I spent the past two days with three new expat friends laughing, shopping, beaching and sharing. Our next door neighbor shared a cooking class with me.
  3. GREAT family: our daughters are delightful; our parents are nurturing and fun; our siblings are wonderful and our extended families are always doing fun things and sharing with us via Facebook.
  4. The Universe conspiring to our happiness.

Those are the top 4 things I believe are forever. What do you think?

