Amazing friend + new flat = happy us

Our friend, Bernie, is a gift from God. What we had hoped to be a ride from our old apt to our new one, turned into a 100%, complete relocation over 8 hours and a half-dozen trips. Thank you, Bernie, from the bottom of our hearts. You are an amazing friend.

Our other friend, Andry, has let us store a dozen (or so) boxes of family photos and memories at his apt until we can organize the new place to bring them over. You are an amazing friend.

Our new flat is bright, clean and choc-full of boxes. Whew, we have a lot of clothes! Over the next 24 hours we will sort, chuck and organize our stuff to make this our home. Visitors welcome! While our view is different, it’s lovely and charming. We slept great and awoke to the gorgeous sunshine. Life is good.

We are so happy and blessed and grateful.

What makes you happy today?




Old flat
Old flat


New flat
New flat