Another NDB in the works

One of life’s joys (in my opinion) is doing things I’ve never done before (NDB). I like to explore, learn and do as much as I can while on this Earth. This weekend, I added a new NDB to my repertoire ~ I took one of several kite surfing lessons. Yes, it’s been a “bucket list” / “vision board” / “manifestation map” entry for some time and the opportunity presented itself and I took it!

We drove out with some dear friends (one of my high school friends actually); and as we drove off the paved street onto the sand and over a narrow bridge, my heart started racing with excitement.

After inflating the kite, learning about the harness,  emergency release, steering and the “power zone”, I got in the water with my instructor to practice. It was great fun and only the tip of the proverbial wave because I didn’t get on the board yet.

Stay tuned…the NDB is incomplete.



P.S. Keep your “vision boards”/ “manifestation maps” up-to-date so you don’t miss any opportunities for FUN!

Kite surfing beach on Yas Island
Kite surfing beach on Yas Island