Framily (friends you choose as family) while you’re an expat

Sharing meals, parties, stories, and beach days are the best part of expat life. Of course there are struggles, heartaches and unknowns… That’s when it is great to surround yourself with framily. I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: friends are the family you choose when you’re away from traditional family.

I have chosen some amazing friends to share my expat life with, from the UK, Australia, Canada, Lebanon, Africa and the USA. I am so fortunate to share special moments with them; and I am fully present in all of those moments. Here’s a snapshot from a beach evening/anniversary celebration from last night… I hope you can see the joy in our heart is full.



My Texas girlfriends at Yas Kite Beach, Abu Dhabi
My Texas framily girlfriends at Yas Kite Beach, Abu Dhabi