How your strength leads to letters

Maintain awareness of your strengths and talents. Once you are clear on what you love, let people know.

👉🏻    I am aware of my greatness. I am a loving mother. I’m fun and active. I contribute to others. I have a big heart and I am a good listener. I am good at many sports. I like fresh flowers, walks, bike rides, movies, and experiences. I am curious and adventureous. My husband and FRAMILY are  sources of energy that powers me up with love. I am strong when I need to be and welcome others’ strength when offered.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein

My HH advises me to ‘get letters.’ That means, learning as much as I (or anyone) can. Get degrees, certificates, and licenses. So, this past week, my certificate arrived that certifies me as an ordained minister. I can now perform weddings, which was my goal. I will snap on my Clergy badge, read from my guidebook, and join other unions into wedded bliss.

Are you meeting your goals? Reach for the sky!

