New month, new us

New month: May.  The fifth month of the year.  May Day. Lei Day. Sunny days.

Welcome sunshine,  new challenges, and new adventures. New jobs, new discoveries, new friends.

The sea offers me time to think, plan, reflect and recharge. I was in Panama for nine sunny, warm, ocean-filled days. I spent time with my love, my high school friend and her husband, and in a hammock (my NDB). I walked along the mostly deserted beach, marveling at the black and white and mixed black and white sand. I sat in a tide pool; jumped in and under enormous waves; ate fantastically created meals outside; recharged my personal batteries. I feel like a new person!

Every new month offers us a chance to start anew. How will you restart yourself this lovely May day?



Punta Ratón, Panama 2018