We arrived in Lordsburg, New Mexico as the very dark sky kissed us good night. Mark scored a room on Priceline.com as we were driving.
I have to document and share this:
Hampton Inn and Quality Inn hotels are clean, reasonably priced, friendly and well-appointed. I recommend them. The resorts and 5-star hotels we stayed in are lovely too, of course. We have a dozen room keys and we are still on the road for a few more days. :)
We have not heard back from the folks in Abu Dhabi about our visas, so our adventure continues. All good things come to those who wait patiently.
Our girls are doing fine: Emily will join us in TX for Thanksgiving. Tara is in Paris for her week-long school break. They are both progressing in their life skills.
One more thing: I’ve chosen to write this blog as often as possible, not just on odd days, as originally published. I hope you’ll keep reading. I love sharing my thoughts, news and views.
Stay well, happy, in touch and in the conversations!