Sunshine has landed in Dallas!

🎼 “You are my sunshine….*” Our eldest daughter landed in Dallas and fills my heart with sunshine and joy! Emily is here for a visit: which includes countless hugs, baking cookies, lunches, dinners, walks, grandma visits, and more hugs.

This momma is happy, happy, happy. When they are both with me, “Katie bar the door,**” I’m gonna be bustin’ buttons and raisin’ the roof!!!

What fills your heart today?



I also want to share this passage. Does this resonate with you?

NOTE: Emily and Tara are a “Yes”and “Yes” from me.

*”You Are My Sunshine” is a song popularized by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell[1] in 1939. It has been declared one of the state songs of Louisiana because of its association with Davis, a country music singer and governor of the state in the years 1944–1948 and 1960–1964.

**The idiomatic expression Katy bar the door! (also as Katy bar the gate! and with Katie instead of Katy) is an American exclamation of the later nineteenth century, at one time most common in the South. The speaker is warning that trouble lies ahead.