Technology: old and new

Technology is part of our everyday life. The smile? The cell phone?

I received an email from a dear friend whom I met in California when our kids were in elementary school. Years ago, we spent many hours together shopping, going to spas and movies, laughing and being genuine friends. Our kids grew up; I moved away and we relied on technology: email and then social media. I heard from her recently and we picked up where we left off those many years ago. We reconnected and caught up with our lives. The new technology is our computers.

Last night I saw a man who I had met two days prior at a restaurant with my husband. I greeted him by name and he sat down and talked with me for an hour. The old technology is a smile.

Smiles are still the best way to say “hello” and our keyboards are a great way to keep in touch.

If you can, pick up the phone and reach out to your friends. Otherwise, use the 21st Century technology. Make someone’s day. Make your day. Say “hello!” Reconnect. You will be so happy you did.



cans to talk