
According to Wikipedia, Thirty-one is the third Mersenne prime (25 − 1)[1] as well as the fourth primorial prime, and together with twenty-nine, another primorial prime, it comprises a twin prime. As a Mersenne prime, 31 is related to the perfect number 496, since 496 = 2(5 − 1)(25 − 1). 31 is the eighth Mersenne prime exponent. 31 is also the 4th lucky prime[2] and the 11th supersingular prime.[3]  And so on…..

According to me, thirty-one years ago I made the best choice EVER, when I stood on a pulpit, in front of 285 friends and family and said, “I do” facing my high school sweetheart. Surrounded by love and lots of purple flowers, we began our adventurous life together.

Everyday has been nothing short of “Whoa!” I have loved this ride called “married life”; and I look forward to thirty-one more happy, healthy and FUN years together.

From Dallas, TX to Temple, TX to Baltimore, MD to La Habra Heights, CA to Honolulu, HI to Abu Dhabi, UAE, I’ve loved you more everyday. Thank you for making these past thirty-one years great ones! Happy ❤️ Anniversary, Mark Schnitzer.



Denise & Mark's wedding photo June 23, 1985
Denise & Mark’s wedding photo June 23, 1985