Three (3) surprises!

I love surprises… and I’m an easy target for good one. 😉Today I am the happy recipient of three (3) surprises….I’d like to share:

  1. My lovely friend from my Abu Dhabi life called me on the phone. She’s in the USA and called to say, “Hello” and catch up. We exchanged recent life events, brief news about our mutual “home,” and warm regards to each other and spouses. I hung up full of love and grateful for her in my life.
  2. I received a lovely, informative note in the mail from my lovely friend from my California life. She thanked me for sending her some photos of our children in their youth. She caught me up on her life, her husband and their daughter. My heart was more full and grateful.
  3. My sweet husband arrived at home way earlier than I expected, to my delight and surprise. Our date night came to fruition! A new restaurant opened in our building, so we went there. The hour-long wait didn’t bother me at all because we were talking, laughing and getting to know the new manager.

Take all the love and surprises you can. Fill up your heart and soul. Stay grounded and grateful. Be the light for others and allow others to be the light for you.

