To see a robin

To see an American Robin, I must look either outside or in Montana.





Yes, I’m going to Montana tomorrow morning to see my friend Robin, who’s been my friend since we met in third grade!! She’s a ‘strawberry blonde.’





We met at the age of nine.  In 1972, She taught me how to play Pong, the first video game. Pong video .   Robin showed me the delight in skinny dipping in the pool, after a birthday party at her house.  In fifth grade, she taught me how to shave my legs, much to my mom’s protest. In high school, she and I played volleyball, field hockey and soccer together. We stayed in touch with air-mail letters while she was a highly successful fashion model in Milan, Italy for ten years. She visited me in So. Cal when she came back to the USA. Now, I get to visit her and her wonderful, joyful John.











I’ve loved this Robin for most of my life. I’m touched that she and her husband invited me to come visit them. I’m looking forward to all the activities she has planned for our reunion week: yoga, camping, hiking, horseback riding, hot tubbing, and cooking.

This is one cool American Robin.

