We’ve completed March 2020: the first month of quarantine for the good of our world. Yay! A quarantine win!
As the days spill into each other, we grew together. Our streets are empty, the skies have fewer planes, AND the sun came out today!
We’re doing well!! #stayhomestaywell is working! It’s a quarantine win!
Hustle-bustle cities are quiet, and homes are bustling with laptops, conference calls, stories, games, learning, phone calls, singing, cooking, and baking.
Yes, it’s still challenging to buy toilet paper, BWs, and hand sanitizer….but it’s not forever.
Stay strong. Stay fierce. Stay home. Stay in touch!
Prayers for those afflicted; prayers for those attending to those afflicted. Prayers for our solidarity and cohesiveness and community. We’ve come a long way….we must keep the faith.