Looking back, looking forward

Nineteen years ago today, the tragedy of planes crashing, terrorists attacking, people scurrying, and lives lost come to the minds of many. We all remember where we were: I was driving our daughters to school in Southern California. On this 19-year anniversary day, we honor ALL those brave people who survived, helped, and healed.

Today, we contend with COVID-19, another tragedy, this one affecting communities all over the world. I remember where I was when the quarantine began: I had just driven 10-hours to relocate to Dallas, TX. I took a walk, then we had a family dinner at a restaurant, then upon waking up the next morning, BOOM, stay-at-home orders were issued. Again, brave, talented, generous people worked around the clock to save, preserve, teach us how to live with this insidious, invisible, silent killer. And they still do.

Here’s my crystal ball/ wishing well/ fountain wish: the world will heal; our divisiveness will end; wildfires and hate will vanish.  Until then, I will stay positive and joyful and grateful for all my days and life as I know it.

