Never give up…keep going forward

Have a goal? Keep reaching for and working toward it. I’m bike-riding 200 miles this summer so I ride every day I can (it’s been raining here, so no outside riding) as training & practice.

Concurrently, I’m in a virtual fitness competition to ride/walk/run 2021 miles this year, so I ride/walk/run every day, even if my day is so hectic I can only log one mile. One of my mantras: “Some is better than none.”

I’m very project-oriented, so I compartmentalize my projects to ensure everything is completed on time, competently,  and marvelously. FYI: I’m a work-in-progress! To date: two big projects complete; one project in the works.

Key here: never give up…keep going forward.

Stay well. Stay curious. Have FUN every day!



This sign was my inspiration!