The solar eclipse was a TOTAL success in Dallas

The solar eclipse was a TOTAL success in Dallas. I arrived early, snagged a great bench seat with back support, and waited. I waited a few minutes, and a couple sat on my right side, and another couple sat on my left side. We were set for the day.

Who were they? The couple on my right, Karen and Alan, from the UK, came to Dallas, TX to see the solar eclipse. It was Karen’s first visit to the USA. Alan was beside himself with glee to be here.

Alan, Karen, Denise

On my left,  sat Janis and John, here to see the eclipse from Pasadena, CA. This was their first visit to Dallas as well.

Denise, Janis, John

Dallas didn’t disappoint. The cloud cover kept us cool, until the BIG event. The clouds parted to clear, blue skies.

The group of us hugged and giggled at our good fortune.

Making new friends during extraordinary days makes me so happy! #justsayhibook.

People are faces until they’re your friends.

