Wrap up then unwrap

Wrap up 2018 by purging closets, cupboards, drawers, and bookshelves. Share, recycle, donate unwanted and gently loved clothes, kitchen gadgets, and books. Clean up your photo collections by scanning them onto a digital format. This helps future generations see family history in a clear way. Share the prints and/or discard them to declutter your home. Top off your bucket list by doing, going, enjoying what you set out in January. Only four days left!

Unwrap your resolutions and affirmations for 2019. Resolve to travel, eat new foods, call a friend monthly, read more, write more, drink something new, _________(fill in the blank.) Keep a journal or logbook to chart your progress. By December you’ll be delighted with the results. Create a manifestation map/vision board to ‘make your dreams come true.’ I’ve done this successfully for several years…it works!

Cheers to health, happiness, prosperity, and love in the new year. Enjoy the last four days of this year….and plan for bigger things in the new year.

